(Kumpulan Tugas Siswa)
Nama : Hafizhan Miftahudin Karami
Kelas : X - D
Sekolah : SMAN 20 Bandung
Tugas : Arti Kemerdekaan bagi saya dalam bahasa inggris
The meaning of independence for me
Independence for me is something that most can not be forgotten by all humankind in this world, because once a nation has been colonized for many years and after a nation has achieved something that in certain named independence of all people in this world who feel unpleasant colonized, the practical will feel very happy. Because freedom can not get the results easily, even should the hundreds of casualties to achieve what the name of freedom, and even the need to struggle very extra to protect the entire nation.
We should be grateful and proud, because on 17 August 1945 the Indonesian nation has been independent and free from all the colonies, and we as human beings who are still alive, ought to remember all the services and all the sacrifices of the heroes who have fought tooth and nail to defend the nation this and wanted to get rid of all the colonies.
And we're lucky, because we have been living in a state of peace, without a colony of another country, and our job is to simply remember the services of our heroes who have fallen before us. It is very deserving of all the people involved in the Indonesian nation was liberated her from all colonies, whether what we can do to get even with all the struggles and sacrifices of our heroes.
Now the Indonesian people can enjoy what is called a life, without any pressure from other countries who wanted to rule the country of Indonesia, is different from what is perceived by the fighters who have preceded us. Now all people can go to school, unlike past colonial era, women were not allowed past the school, women are only allowed to stay at home helping her mother cook, but now we are very proud, because women can return to school by following the lessons given by teachers at school.
Independence began from Fall of atomic bombs on two cities Hirosyima and Nagasaki, a Japanese shock. Finally on August 15, 1945, the Japanese government surrendered unconditionally to the allies. Hearing the news of Japan's defeat, the boys saw the momentum of the right to proclaim independence immediately.
However, the expectations of the youth are not as smooth as one might imagine. Old faction in seeing that at that time the Japanese forces were too strong. Finally, the kidnapping incident arose Soekarno-Hatta to Rengasdengklok. When pressed, finally all agreed on the date of August 17, 1945 independence was proclaimed. And this will not ever forget about forever.
These are the words that I took from the history books, that is a great nation is a nation that respects the struggle of his hero.
Nation that he is appreciative of the Hero of the Nation who never forget the history of His nation.
And these are just descriptions of how I describe the meaning of independence for me, I do not know exactly how all the real story, I can only describe it in words, apologize if there is one word, because I'm not too fluent in English.
Hafizhan Miftahudin Karami
Nama: Bagus Rachman Pribadi
Kelas : X-D
I would like to tell you about Indonesian’s freedom from me. I will positive thinking for the Indonesian future. Actually, Indonesia not free from colonized. Because to much coruptor and terrorism. I’m as inhabitant from Indonesia, I will change all. With mien like, energetic learn, and be patriotism nation. for the Indonesian’s future, fight a colonization, fight a coruptor, and fight a terrorism.
M E R D E K A !!!!!
| perlihatkan detail 22 Agu |
Independence means the freedom to separate ourselves from personal ideologies and intellectually challenge ourselves to see the full scope of an issue in order to find real solutions for the good of the whole. Independence means we must not depend on the opinions of others, but on the factual issues and actions of individuals and our governments. Independence means choosing to empower ourselves with the information to independently make up our own minds. Independence means creating a world society in which we can perceive nations through a satellite view, rather than a microscopic view, and make value judgments based on what's good for the future, rather than the present. Independence means we have the freedom to pursue personal needs while choosing global motivations, and face the consequences of those actions, both wonderful and tragic, with the intent to learn, grow, and gain wisdom. True independence means recognizing that every type of thought and belief system has something to teach, to offer, and that if we learn from those in our world, our chances of creating real change for the betterment of all increases exponentially. Wisdom demands we further our own independence by freeing ourselves from the prison of personal experience by embracing realities other than our own and thereby freeing ourselves from the shackles of ignorance. |
| perlihatkan detail 22 Agu |
Every year, on the 17th of August, our history is glorified. We pay tribute to the national heroes who fought against “foreign enemies” for independence.
In various ceremonies, the speakers — be they the president, governors, heads of districts, sub-districts, villages, or school principals — remind us that Indonesian independence was paid for by the flesh, blood, and bones of our grandfathers and grandmothers who fought in bloody battles and wars. Some died, others survived.
Legs were amputated, hands were lost, villages destroyed and rice fields burned. We have inherited their sacrifice. Due to their courage and bravery, we can breathe this air.
Romo Mangunwijaya, a religious leader and prominent intellectual, said that many battles between the Dutch and Indonesians in the post-proclamation period could be described as “cat-and-mouse” skirmishes rather than real battles, as the sharpened bamboo sticks used as weapons by Indonesians were incomparable with the guns and rifles in the hands of trained Dutch soldiers. The Indonesian insurgents too busy finding safe places to hide from the Dutch to face their ostensible enemy.
In the 1950s and 1960s at various speeches at national ceremonies, former president Sukarno — with his thunderous voice, stylish grey suit, elegant sunglasses and magnetic oratorial style — always said that the climax of our struggle was the 17th of August, which he had many names for — the milestone of Indonesian history, the climax of the Indonesians’ struggle, the sacred day, the blessed day and so on.
For Sukarno and his generation, colonialism and imperialism were real. The old generation often belittles our difficulties, which, for them, are far not comparable to their suffering, to their imprisonment and battles. They often say: “Nowadays children are spoiled with high-tech gadgets and junk foods. There are no serious challenges in their lives.”
For them, independence meant that this country was free from any alien enemies, e.g. the Dutch, Japanese or other foreign powers. These enemies never gave up in their fight to conquer this piece of paradise where coconut trees grow tall, paddy trees bear yellow fat rice seeds, and spices can be harvested easily. So ladies and gentlemen, be prepared to raise your weapons whenever the enemies intend to march upon our land and water.
During the 30 years of Soeharto’s regime, the story of heroic struggle remained. The echoes of wars and rumors of war were embedded in the visions of the army generals who dominated the political landscape at the time.
Soeharto was also proud of his achievement in building the economy of this nation. He once boasted that despite his background as a village boy who was raised in paddy fields, he shouldered the responsibility of filling the mouths of more than 130 million Indonesians.
In the reform era, and in the context of current globalization, to give meaning to Indonesian independence as a nation free from foreign influence is misleading.
It is indeed impossible to be an independent nation, as far as Sukarno, and often Soeharto, understood the issue. We cannot avoid all foreign contact, which can perhaps be interpreted as influence, intervention, subjugation or economic imperialism.
| perlihatkan detail 22 Agu |
Nama : Ratu Rahayu N S
Kelas : X-D
Benefits of independence
Independence, or self reliance is the virtue by which you are self-supporting in the sense that you consume nothing that you haven't earned. In a market economy, everyone lives by trade. This does not make independence impracticable. The virtue of independence is to provide one's own means of subsistence. This means either producing it directly, or indirectly by creating something that someone else wants. Dependence, in this case, would mean relying on charity or favors from friends or family. Or worse, theft in the form of direct stealing from others, or indirect theft through benefits by government.
Independence is not only applicable to production, though. In fact, production isn't even the most important place where this virtue should be practiced. The most important is the independence of one's mind. Life requires man to act in order to achieve his values. This requires the proper use of judgment to not only pick the right values, but to understand the best way of achieving them. To substitute another's thoughts for yours makes it impossible to judge the accuracy of them. It makes it impossible to build off of them to achieve better understanding. This is the area where independence is most critical. To default on one's responsibilities is to default on one's life. The degree to which one abandons his intellectual independence is the degree to which he is helpless to act. The degree to which he cannot pursue his own life and values.
Another area where independence is useful is in social interaction. When dealing with friends or strangers, one needs to earn the benefit of the interaction. To default on this is to accept a reward without cause. Nothing is ever free, though. By accepting the unearned, a man loses his grasp of what it means to earn something. He loses his assurance of his own self-efficacy. Every independent act is a reaffirmation of one's ability to deal with reality. Every unearned gift is a blow to one's confidence.
By keeping their independence, and continuing to thrive in spite of the globalizers' forecasts, they have demonstrated a truth that we should never forget.
Nama : Aditya Ikhsan P
Indonesian independence of meaning for me The fall of the atomic bomb on two cities Hirosyima and Nagasaki, the Japanese shock. Finally on August 15, 1945, the Japanese government surrendered unconditionally to the allies. Hearing the news of Japan's defeat, the boys saw the momentum of the right to proclaim independence immediately. However, the expectations of the youth are not as smooth as one might imagine.Old faction in seeing that at that time the Japanese forces were too strong. Finally, the kidnapping incident arose Soekarno-Hatta to Rengasdengklok. When pressed, finally all agreed on the date of August 17, 1945 independence was proclaimed. However, I am not discussing here about the history of the proclamation of independence.Because, there are a lot of history covered up. I tried to interpret the days of independence.Interpret means to reveal the hidden meaning behind these events. Figures 17 If we associate between prime numbers with meaning of independence, the independence that is the right of all nations. And who can realize that freedom is the government and people.Kernapa could it be? because according to the definition of prime numbers that can only be divided by the number "1" and "the numbers themselves." Numbers "1" here represent the government. The one and sovereign governments. While the "numbers themselves", represents the people, the people of the country itself. Figures 8 |
(Arti kemerdekaan bagi saya)
Pada 22 Agustus 2010 19.42, Arief Impossible
Nama :Muhamad Arief Adeputra Kelas :X-D Absen :25 |
Independence is a God-given gift to my nation.Without independence we may still exist in the colonial period .But independence should not simply a word that only in the state on 17 August alone .But in fact we are still colonized
Maybe not by other nations, but our own nation .In fact, poverty and ignorance still reign Jaunty .At points like we know all the Olympic games and athletes of the world comes from our beloved country .Why there is no resolution to the problems of this kind?
An example is the boss of funds .Shout out there Pemerinta School Operational Assistance (Bos) for state schools and disadvantaged people .But what's real now?
The fund would only arrive at a handful of people .In fact, children who are intelligent and less capable of residing in rural outposts that are not touched any funds Bos
Even problems that often arise now is about health facilities and hunger as well as abandoned children .Instead of helping the poor should be in terms of getting assistance for health facilities? .But in reality what? .Many times I have seen citizens who can not afford it can not receive health insurance .in fact they have been taking care of poor cards
But what is done by the hospital? They are only looking for profits and slow the process of handling for such a society .I do not want to criticize the hospital .Sorry if there are parties who feel offended .But really I'm very sad to see this kind of thing .What else do I also get education in college health-related
The second problem I see is related to hunger .Famine happened was because of the limited peace in our country this pekerjaab .Maybe this is not a criticism to the leaders I just wanted to suggest that many jobs open to the general public .Not only for people who are educated only .But people who can not enjoy school as well .Because they will not until they can not attend school .Maybe just because it's fate .They did not ask to be born with the economic limitations of such .Sometimes I feel I'm lucky not because of my efforts .But due to my good god
And the last problem is the abandoned children .Not in statute law:
"Poor poor and neglected children reared by the state"
But in reality what? There are still many abandoned children in the suburbs of the road Even they are victims of violence and malpractice .What is not so pentingyakah their lives for us? .Until these issues in sepelekan and in shrink? .It matters relating to life
No matter even if he was just a street kid .I apologize if my remarks are presumptuous
But where's the reality of human rights protection that is always you kumandangkan? Maybe we look back Jagan .But this is only my input to government .Sorry if I do not
want to give my opinion and intervening knowledgeably .But I beg Establish all existing laws in this beloved country of Indonesia as one of a concrete .Given bentuknyata and effort from government leaders .And look at all the decisions you take in people who have brought
if my freedom to make personal is .Independence express such an opinion is I write this on my blog .San freedom to move away from all the shackles of grief and continue to excel to make Indonesia still smiling .And hopefully I can fly the achievement for my people .It is my hope
The Meaning of Independence and How to Appreciate Independence Day
Sheila Pratiwi
X-D / 34
Independence is like a God-given gift to my country. Without independence we may still exist in the colonial period until now. Independence is not just a freedom, but must be based with responsibility to the nation and state. Independence is not achieved easily, but the heroes of Indonesia have struggled with their whole life to get recognition of independence from the colonizing nation of Indonesia. Independence that we have had must be kept, don’t waste the independence.
There are many ways that we can do to appreciate the independence day:
1. Study hard (for the Indonesian school and university students).
2. Keep the national security of all forms of threats from inside and outsiders.
3. Obey the Pancasila, laws and regulations, the rules of religion, and culture in a society without abuse.
4. Respect each other and respect for fellow members of the community
5. Love domestic products by using and developing domestic production instead of foreign products.
6. Willing to sacrifice in defending the country when the sovereignty of the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia is trampled by foreign nations.
7. Equalizes our nation from the nations that have advanced in good ways.
8. We must be serious in implementing the commemoration of independence and also in singing “Mengheningkan Cipta” song to honor the died heroes who have died.
So useless us, if we lived in Indonesia, implement the independence but cannot do one of the points mentioned above. Independence for me is very valuable. Thank you for the Indonesian heroes who gave us freedom, free to learn, free to schools, and independence to pursue the ideals of the state.
Especially, I want to thank my best hero R.A Kartini as a hero who equalizes men and women. Without her, my friends and I who are Indonesian women couldn’t go to school, couldn’t get equality with men. Thank you all of my hero. I’m so proud of you.
Nama : Gilang Chandra M
Kelas : X D
Indonesian independence of meaning for me
meaning of independence for me is the beginning of success for a country, independence is very important for a country because without kemrdekaan a country can not progress & grow.inspiring freedom fighters to repel the invaders from the Indonesian state.
Flag Ceremony August 17, berkumandangnya song Indonesia Raya, the seconds Proclamation, surge the Merdeka greetings, nationalism pace, reflecting the services of a hero, sow flowers at the tomb of a hero, berkobarnya spirit of unity, mounting nut, cracker eating contest, dangdutan, sports competitions , as well as a variety of activities fill the days of independence, and ... etc. ... etc..
All day I noticed around the capital Jakarta in the behavior of various circles of society to commemorate the independence day of this 62. The spirit is still felt, to promote Indonesia Raya surge is still there, the weight of economic pain to enliven a little overlooked in the simplicity of Indonesia's Independence Party. Shame as a result of the direction of Indonesia which is not clearly a little forgotten when singing Indonesia Raya.
Why became seizure of power, while undertaking the responsibility of the suffering of the people tend to ignore. Intellectual arrogance of liberalism controlled economic system that we choose now, the liberal economic consequences of illegal shredding of wealth nations divided only among the elite. Government tax collectors who only became subject to the power elite who have dominated politics and penguasaha. Corruption has not also show a significant decline, the imbalance is everywhere, the spirit of separatism still bergelaora along with the anticipation of regional autonomy that poor preparation.
therefore we must obey the rules who's been made by our country, because of regulations that would help our country grow and progress
| perlihatkan detail 22 Agu |
The Meaning Of Independence
Independence for me is something that most can not be forgotten by all human kind in this world, because once a nation has been colonized for many years and after a nation has achieved something that in certain named independence of all people in this world who feel unpleasant colonized, the practical will feel very happy. Because freedom can not get the results easily, even should the hundreds of casualties to achieve what the name of freedom, and even the need to struggle very extra to protect the entire nation.
We should be grateful and proud, because on 17 August 1945 the Indonesian nation has been independent and free from all the colonies, and we as human beings who are still alive, ought to remember all the services and all the sacrifices of the heroes who have fought tooth and nail to defend the nation this and wanted to get rid of all the colonies.
Now, we have been living in a state of peace, without a colony of another country, and our job is to simply remember the services of our heroes who have fallen before us. It is very deserving of all the people involved in the Indonesian nation was liberated her from all colonies, whether what we can do to get even with all the struggles and sacrifices of our heroes.
Now the Indonesian people can enjoy what is called a life, without any pressure from other countries who wanted to rule the country of Indonesia, is different from what is perceived by the fighters who have preceded us. Now all people can go to school, unlike past colonial era, women were not allowed past the school, women are only allowed to stay at home helping her mother cook, but now we are very proud, because women can return to school by following the lessons given by teachers at school.
So, come on guys defend our independence with a viable way of learning. Then make our beloved country become more advanced and in respect of the earth. By doing so we can reply to the services of our heroes who fought to liberate this country. FREEDOM!
| perlihatkan detail 25 Agu |

| perlihatkan detail 25 Agu |
The Independent Day Meaning For Me
The Independent day is every country’s right. Since it declared the by Indonesian People on 17 August 1945, on behalf Bung Karno and Bung Hatta, from that day the Indonesian people as a human have a freeright. However in the reality, nowdays many people use their freedom unlimited, Unrisponsible, and anarchy. Therefor the truly freedom is that it is not disturbing somebody’s right, don’t force our willing to other people, and the freedom it self isn’t broke the law, doesn’t broke the rules, that stand in the society. So the meaning of independent for me is the freedom to put out all the good things. Such as mind power by accommodating the realigion norm, social norm, law norm, and all the rules that used in the society.
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